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Do you cater for children with allergies or special food requirements?The centre is nut-free always. We are happy to cater for specific dietary and for children with allergies. There is a place on the enrolment form to inform us of your needs. Also please talk directly to our Centre Manager about any concerns issues that you have.
What are your teacher to child ratios?Infant rooms and toddlers currently have an average teacher to child ratio of 1:3 Preschool rooms have an average teacher to child ratio of 1:7
What is included in your fees?Sunscreen, Nutritional lunch, infant and toddler journal and portfolio, preschool personalised portfolio, online learning e-portfolio using Storypark.
Do you offer 20 hours free?Yes, we provide 20 hours free early childhood education. To find out more at: We can help with Work and Income for families who qualify for subsidies. Our administration team will support you in completing the Work and Income subsidy forms.
How big are your classes?Our infant and toddler room caters for up to 13 children our preschool room has a maximum group size of 30 children.
Are your teachers qualified?A minimum of 80% of our teachers are qualified. We try to operate above this level.
What food will my child eat?Our menus work on a 3-week cycle and are reviewed often. We have a qualified chef that prepares the children’s food fresh each day. Where we can everything is made fresh from scratch. We ask that you send a small container with morning and afternoon tea.
Do the children play outside all year round?Yes we have outside exploration and play every day. Luckily in Auckland this is nearly always possible. We have a special play surface that allows for outside play as soon as any rain stops. We ask that parents always pack a second set of clothes. In summer we ask that all children bring rash tops, swim suits and towels for water play. In winter warm jumpers and jackets.
Does the centre close at Christmas?We stay open all year long. Many of our parents work through the holidays so it is even more important that Tamariki have somewhere safe to learn and play. We calculate our fees based over 52 week year. We do offer all families a 2 week fee holiday each calendar year. The centre is only closed on the statutory holiday days.
What happens if my child gets sick?We do not allow any sick children at the centre. Children’s immunity is low so we do our best to keep sickness out to protect your Tamariki. If your child is unwell or has a raised temperature you will be asked to come and collect them. They will keep in a safe separate room (with supervision) to protect other children from infection. We may require a Doctor’s certificate before the sick child is allowed back at the centre. This is to protect our children as much as possible. It's important to have a care plan in place for when your child is sick. We ask that you notify the Centre Manager when your child will be absent and let us know if they have an infectious disease e.g. Chicken Pox, conjunctivitis etc. Any absent days are still paid for in full.
What do I need to bring?It’s a good idea to supply 2/3 changes of clothes, sun hat/winter hat, a warm jacket and gumboots in winter. If your child has an allergy to regular sunblock please provide your preferred brand for your child. For infants please provide your child’s requires formula and nappies.
Do you offer sessions or half days?We offer 2 sessions each day a short day at 6 hours per day (9.00 – 3 pm) and a full day with 8 hour plus sessions. Our centre opens each day at 7.30 am and closes at 5.30 pm.
Do you have a school readiness programme?We follow a play-based curriculum where we focus on developing, extending and enhancing children’s interests in a child-led environment. At all times we incorporate early literacy and numeracy into learning play opportunities. Our rooms offer all the literacy and numeracy tools for children to be successful in their learning as they head into school. Each day we read books (both alone and with a teacher), and we sing together. These group activities prepare children for mat time at school and teacher-led learning. We also ask a different child to bring a “news” item to share, this allows for children to initiate speaking to the class and for the other children to use listening skills and to ask questions in a more formal setting.
How will my child settle in?Please refer to our preparing for transition sheet. It sets out how to prepare your child up for the centre. It is important that both you and your child are feeling settled before they have their first full day at the centre. For this reason, we like a minimum of three transition visits before your child starts. It’s ideal to spread this over a few weeks, please discuss this with your whanau support teacher. Some children settle in immediately, and others take more time, but we make sure to give them the love and support they need to make it as smooth as possible.
What age can my child start?This is very individual many families choose to start at 6 -months but we can provide for younger infants. Our license continues to six years old. Should require care for a younger baby please just contact the Centre Manager
How far in advance should I enrol my child?We will always try to accommodate a family. The more notice you allow us the better the preparation and transition for you family.
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